Top 10 smart gadgets for the gardener

Daily work in the garden and vegetable garden takes a lot of time and effort. To help lovers of dacha life come reliable helpers - unusual gadgets that are designed to facilitate their hard work.

1.Seed dispenser

A device for planting seeds is a godsend for dacha dwellers. In a special bowl we place seeds, set the limiter in the desired position and get to work. Seeds are dosed by means of holes of different sizes.

2.Rodent repellent

The device uses ultrasound to repel mice and moles. It works on a solar battery, depending on the power will protect several beds or the entire vegetable garden (6 hectares).

Sold in garden stores, hypermarkets and online.

Price: from 800 to 3,000 rubles.

3.Garden gloves with "claws"

Strong plastic claws on the right glove are made of plastic, with which you can make deep furrows for planting seeds without using other gardening tools.

Sell everywhere where there are goods for the garden.

Price: from 135 rubles.

4.Soil probe

This is a special sensor that is poked into the ground and monitors soil condition, moisture, temperature and light. Connecting to a remote gardening database, the equipment compares the obtained parameters with the optimal ones and through a special application lets you know what you need to do to ensure the growth of plantings.

You can buy in specialized stores of "smart" equipment or order online.

Price: from 3 000 rubles.

5.Garden webcam

Do you want to know whether it makes sense to go to the dacha next weekend, whether there are green cucumbers and red tomatoes? Then it makes sense for you to install a webcam in the vegetable garden. It runs on batteries and sends the image to your computer at regular intervals. This way you can keep an eye not only on your crops, but also on uninvited guests.

Available on the Internet.

Price: from 9 240 rubles.

6.Garden root remover

This is a kind of fork, designed to quickly remove weeds from the soil along with the roots. At the same time, the device loosens the soil. There are simple models and more advanced - on a telescopic handle.

Available in any garden store.

Price: from 300 to 2,500 rubles.

7.Net for fruit

Delicious and beautiful fruits are always located on the highest branches, which are difficult to reach. A net for collecting fruits and berries will get rid of the inconvenience of harvesting from trees.

Can be ordered on the trading Internet site.

Price: from 350 rubles.

8.Stool on wheels

To facilitate the process of weeding and remove the load from the legs and spine, you can use a stool on wheels.

Sold in garden hypermarkets and on Internet sites.

Price: from 1,200 rubles.

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