Top 5 unusual gadgets of 2024

Every year, in addition to new smartphones, wearable devices, monitors, TVs, headphones and laptops, we get a whole host of very unusual, strange and sometimes innovative devices.

The year 2022 was no exception in this respect. A lot of things were presented, but we have selected the most interesting in our opinion novelties. All of them fall under the definition of "unusual", i.e. each device in our list has its own specialty: unusual form factor, compactness, some new features for the market. Something from our top 10 may seem useless (in some cases it is), and something, on the contrary, causes a burning desire to get such a device as soon as possible and by any means. In general, this is our top of unusual gadgets of 2024


Perhaps the most unusual handheld console of recent times. Playdate was presented back in 2019, but it went on sale only in the spring of 2022. Therefore, the device can be considered a novelty. 

A special handle is used to control the games here. The game is as simple as it looks absurd: the gamer rotates the handle, the character on the screen, for example in Crankin's Time Travel Adventure, runs through the location or tilts. Or Whitewater Wipeout, where you have to control the surf by rotating the handle back and forth. For additional actions, there are more familiar controls in the form of buttons and a crossbar.

The screen of the console is tiny (2.7 inches) and black and white, but it's even good - the games are not only played in a peculiar way, but also looks unusual against the background of everything else in the industry. And also on this thing, if you want, you can spin movies. 

In principle, I won't tell you more about the device - we have a video about Playdate on our channel. If you are interested in this miracle, welcome to watch it. 

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